
Exploring New Directions for Junior and Senior High School English

開催日時 13:00 17:00
会費1,000(JALT members 無料)円
場所 東京都目黒区碑文谷4-17-16 トキワ松学園

1. Storytelling with Junior High Students
Herman Bartelen, Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages
2. Working on Summarizing Skills in High School
Inga Sarkodie, Tokyo Metropolitan Chihaya High School
3. Teaching Gender Equality, Inequality, and Discrimination at High School 
Carolina van der Mensbrugghe, Legal Fellow with Amnesty International Japan
Session 3 will be held in English, but questions will be accepted in Japanese. Teachers of other
subjects are also encouraged to attend as the course material is suited for various subject areas
including social studies, home economics and political science.  QAの時間、日本語での質問も受け

Pizza afterwards near Toritsu Daigaku Station for those who want to continue talking.
RSVP: http://bit.ly/TJALTandYLevent to book your place or apply to present
Queries: tokyojaltyl@gmail.com (日本語もOK)
Map: http://www.tokiwamatsu.ac.jp/info/access.html

