It was a success. There were two concerned participants who are teachers for ...
開催日時 | 10:00 〜 11:55 |
定員 | 10名 |
会費 | ETJ 会員¥500 非会員¥1000円 |
場所 | 東京都葛飾区新小岩2−17−1 |
気になるリストに追加ETJ East Tokyo will hold a workshop with the title of Making the Most of Photocopiable Resources. The Speaker is Prof. Terry Yearly who is an experienced EFL instructor. His presentations are always informative. Please come if want to know copiable books useful for your classes.
ETJ East Tokyo Workshop
3/16 | 低学年の基礎基本が学べるTOSS大田の会春フェス |
3/30 | 高学年の基礎基本が学べるTOSS大田の会春フェス |
8/23 | TOSS中学JAPANセミナー2025 |
3/22 | 教材活用術&授業力向上セミナー(春の教師力UPフェス) |
5/11 | 明日すぐできる教師の指導力向上テクニック by 杉並教育研究会(SKK) |