Getting Ready for 2020! (Preparing for the new English curriculum in grades 3-6)
開催日時 | 14:00 〜 17:00 |
定員 | 40名 |
会費 | JALT会員無料, 他1,000円 |
場所 | 東京都目黒区、碑文谷4-17-16 トキワ松学園 |

英語での勉強会。問い合わせは日本語で受けつることが可能です。This event is organized by Tokyo JALT and the JALT Younger Learners Special Interest Group. The main speaker, Alison Nemoto from Miyagi University of Education, has been involved in developing the updated curriculum and will share her ideas on the future direction of elementary level English education in Japan, based on her wide experience in teaching young learners and teacher training in Japan. We still have a little space on the program for short teacher shares. Please think of bringing some of your successful teaching activities to share with other teachers and pre-school and elementary level. For further information please look at the Tokyo JALT or the JALT -TYL FB pages or send an e-mail to receive a flyer from: