
【再掲】講演会:Theory of Knowledge in the International Baccalaureate Program: Challenges for Students, Teachers and Schools - Reflections from the first Article One IB School in Japan

開催日時 13:00 17:00
場所 東京都三鷹市大沢 3-10-2 国際基督教大学 本館1階 116教室
【再掲】講演会:Theory of Knowledge in the International Baccalaureate Program: Challenges for Students, Teachers and Schools - Reflections from the first Article One IB School in Japan

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ICU グローバル言語教育研究センター主催 講演会:
"Theory of Knowledge in the International Baccalaureate Program: Challenges for Students, Teachers and Schools - Reflections from the first Article One IB School in Japan"

《講師》 Mike Bostwick先生 (Katoh Gakuen)

《日程》 2019年10月26日(土)

《時間》 13:00~17:00(受付12:30~) 

《場所》 国際基督教大学 本館 1階 116教室

The presentation will start with a description of what an International Baccalaureate (IB) education is and how the program was implemented at Katoh Gakuen, the first Article One high school to be authorized by the IB in Japan nearly 20 years ago. The focus of the presentation will be on the Diploma Programme (DP) which covers the last two years of high school and how the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course is taught at the school.

The DP is a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes conceptual learning, focusing on organizing ideas that are relevant across subject areas, and that help to integrate learning and add coherence to the curriculum. The DP curriculum consists of six subject groups and three core elements. One of these core elements is the Theory of Knowledge course. This course encourages students to become more aware of their own perspective and assumptions through an exploration of the fundamental question of how we know what we know.

The presentation I will include examples of how we deliver the TOK course in English to our students and will include video clips of students engaged in TOK activities. The audience will also have the opportunity to directly experience some of the tasks and strategies used in the TOK course.

お申込はこちら → https://bit.ly/2nIRr27

