
Kyoto JALT Young Learners Event

開催日時 12:30 17:00
場所 京都府京都市下京区西洞院通塩小路下る東塩小路町939 キャンパスプラザ京都
Kyoto JALT Young Learners Event

Summer is upon us and the spring semester is in full swing. Come and spend the afternoon with us at Campus Plaza at an event that focuses on the research and teaching practices of teachers of young learners. Eleven local academics will present their research and classroom activities that are sure to be helpful to a wide range of teachers.
Yuki Matsuo (Ritsumeikan JHS) - Task-Based Writing and Presentation Activities for Different Levels in Primary School and Junior High School
Shawn Brooks Swinger (Ritsumeikan Uji JHS/SHS) - Teaching Content Courses to English Language Learners in a High School Setting
Lawrence Denes, Steve Ring, Mike Wales, Ian Wilson (Kyoto Gakuen JHS/SHS) - Debates for IELTS Competency in High School
Michael Edwards (Doshisha University) - Vocabulary and Grammar Instruction Methods
Chris Cooper (Himeji Dokkyo University) - Starting Extensive Reading at a Public Elementary School
Ann Flanagan (Ritsumeikan JHS/SHS) - Language Is More Than Words
Marife Carpio (Ritsumeikan JHS/SHS) - Experiences on the Use of Selected Apps in Language Learning
Yoshimi Ochiai (Ritsumeikan University) - Cultivating Empathy and Understanding of Social Oppression at High School
John Headon, Peter Hartmann (Ritsumeikan Uji JHS/SHS) - The Effectiveness of CEFR-J in a Junior High Context
Jonathan Phipps (Temple University) - Age and Maturation Effects for SLA in English Immersion Preschools