
ETJ Chiba December Workshop

開催日時 14:00 16:00
場所 東京都江東区龜井戸2−19ー1 龜井戸カメリアプラザ9F



In this two-hour workshop, the presenter will share a range of speaking activities which can be used to improve grammar, vocabulary, and listening/speaking fluency. Generally, these exercises are suitable for use with students of Junior High School level and above. He has selected these exercises not only because they promote learning, but also because students usually enjoy doing them. The first hour will be devoted to a simple exercise which he devised to improve student question formation. A little bit of teacher preparation is required the first time you use it, but on the second and subsequent occasions, it is very time efficient. Students use two-sided cards to prompt the formation of Yes/No and Wh- questions. This exercise can be used to supplement any text that your students are studying. In the second hour, we will look at some photocopiable resources which he has personally found very useful. We will consider the authors' intended uses for these resources, and how the teacher may be able to expand on those ideas. We will do as many practical demonstrations as we have time for. All attendees will receive copies of all these resources and the relevant instructions.
