開催日時 | 14:00 〜 16:00 |
定員 | 20名 |
会費 | 1000 or 500円 |
場所 | 東京都江東区2−19−1 龜井戸カメリアプラザ9F |
気になるリストに追加ETJ East Tokyo will host a workshop on Dec. 1st with a title Teachers Help Teachers.
Four presenters will hold workshops.
The first presenter, Harumi Shige'eda, will introduce how to use the MEXT's new material "Let's Try!" She will also introduce picture books for Christmas activities. The target audience is elementary school teachers and ALTs.
The second presenter, Yuco Kikuch,i will introduce in-class activity for young learners using dice.
The third presenter, Nicky Sekino, will discuss how to make reticent students talk. He will use his own material titled "Young Street Beggar in Yokohama." The target audience is English teachers for business people.
The fourth presenter, Raquel Taniguchi, will introduce standardized tests.
Please email to Yuco Kikuchi and pre-register.
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