
関西英語授業研究会 Harvest 第2回奈良支部

開催日時 14:00 17:00
場所 奈良県奈良市東寺林町38 奈良市ならまちセンター


関西英語授業研究会 Harvest 第2回奈良支部



『The role of teachers and appropriate assessment!!』

泉谷 忠至 近畿大学附属高等学校・中学校
Allen Davenport Cambridge University Press & Assessment

峯川 昇二 奈良県立法隆寺国際高等学校

14:00 ~ 14:05 開会
開会挨拶:監事 山本 英樹(奈良県立郡山高等学校)
14:05 ~ 14:55 発表1
泉谷 忠至 近畿大学附属高等学校・中学校
『What Makes a Good Lesson in the Japanese EFL Context?』
Approaches grounded in Communicative Language Teaching (e.g., TBLT, CLIL) have gained popularity. However, are our students, especially junior and senior high school students who lack daily exposure to English, ready enough to work on communicative activities in the classroom? Are CLT-based lessons truly the best ways for them to improve their English proficiency? This presentation will closely examine the unique considerations relevant to the Japanese EFL context and suggest what approaches are needed here in Japan. I’m looking forward to exchanging ideas with you!

14:55 ~ 15:05 休憩
15:05 ~ 16:30 発表2
Allen Davenport, Cambridge University Press & Assessment
『What Makes a Good Test?』
Exams and tests are a common part of education. But what makes one effective? This session will discuss the key elements that make assessment both useful and appropriate. Through interactive discussions, we will explore the concepts of validity, reliability, impact, and fairness and look at how we can apply these concepts when preparing learners for exams, such as Cambridge English Qualifications or selecting and designing our own classroom tests.

16:30 ~ 16:50 グループディスカッション
16:45 ~ 17:00 発表者 代表 挨拶・事務局連絡および閉会
閉会挨拶:代表 松山 知紘(大阪府立大手前高等学校)


なお、このイベントはCambridge University Press & Assessment のご協力により、運営されております。参加費は全て今後のHarvest活動と広報に活用させていただきますので、予めご了承ください。

泉谷 忠至 近畿大学附属高等学校・中学校 / 奈良教育大学英語教育研究会事務局 / Harvest奈良支部事務局
Tadashi Izumitani is an English language teacher at Kindai University Senior & Junior High School. He holds a master’s degree in school education from Nara University of Education. He uses his English as much as possible in the classroom, serving as an input resource, an interlocutor, and a role model for language learners. His current interest is about second language acquisition, grammar teaching, and motivation. Tadashi’s recent paper, “Examining Changes in Japanese Senior High School Students’ Affective Variables Through Practice-Rich Language Lessons: Focusing on Willingness to Communicate” (Izumitani, 2020), reflects his commitment to enhancing language education. He also takes an active role as the bureau of the Nara University of Education ELT Study Group, Chubu English Language Education Society Nara Chapter. Beyond his academic life, Tadashi finds joy in cycling with colleagues on his new bicycle.

Allen Davenport Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Allen Davenport is the Professional Learning and Development Manager for Cambridge University Press based in the ASEAN (Southeast Asia) region. He has been actively involved in education for over two decades as a teacher, training consultant, academic director, and examiner for numerous international exam boards. Allen holds a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and linguistics, a master’s degree in education with a focus on student development, and several other teaching qualifications and certifications related to teaching English as an additional language. In addition to working with teachers in schools and institutions as a teacher trainer, he has often been a featured speaker at international conferences and events. Allen’s professional interests include the development of creativity in learners and connecting theory to practice in language learning.

支部長 芳田 亮介(奈良県立国際高等学校)ryosukey510@e-net.nara.jp




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